The Senate Fails To Pass A DACA Bill

On Thursday February 15, 2018 The United States Senate voted no four times to separate DACA Senate Amendments after Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell put an “empty Bill” on the senate floor allowing any senator to add amendments.  The four amendments are summarized below.

  1. The S. 2367 Uniting and Securing America Act of 2018, SA 1955 – Coons (D-DE) – McCain (R-AZ)
  • Relief for Dreamers – provides relief from removal and adjustment of status of certain individuals who are long-term United States residents and who entered the United States before reaching the age of 18.
  • Smart technology provisions for border security.
  • No funding for border wall.
  • Adding more immigration judges, support staff and Board of Immigration Appeal staff as well as training.
  • Develop a comprehensive Southern border strategy.
  • Invest in Ports of Entry infrastructure.
  • Increase border patrol flight hours.
  • Establish Southern border region emergency communication plan.
  • Foster United states engagement in Central America to address factors driving migration.
  1.  The Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act, SA 1958 – Toomey (R-PA)
  • Punish cities and States (local governmental units) for providing sanctuary to undocumented alien by withholding federal funding.
  • Empower local police to arrest undocumented aliens.
  • Provide safe haven for undocumented aliens to report a crime.
  1.  The SECURE and SUCCEED Act, SA 1959 – Grassley (R-IA)
  • 25 billion to fund the border wall.
  • Mass deportation.
  • Eliminate chain immigration.
  • Eliminate Diversity Visa Program.
  • Increase border patrol and ICE officers
  • Expand terms of mandatory detention
  • Legalize DACA recipients
  1.  The “Common Sense Caucus” Proposal, SA 1958 – Rounds (R-SD), King (I-ME) & Collins (R –ME)
  • 25 billion to fund the border wall.
  • Keep chain immigration.
  • Hire more border patrol agents.
  • Codifies enforcement priorities.
  • Legalize DACA recipients with added limitations.

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